Wednesday 4 April 2012

The Documentary Photographer Podcast - Episode 2: Pat Flynn - TheOnline Income Experiment

For this episode of The Documentary Photographer podcast, I'm delighted to be interviewing Pat Flynn.

Pat isn't a photographer. I'll tell you that now. However, I do think what he is doing is could be of interest to photographers. Actually, I think it could be of real use to us.

Pat publishes the Smart Passive Income blog and podcast, and has built up a solid reputation as a rich source of useful information about how to earn an income online. This fits really well with my own ambitions to find ways that I can monetize my photography via the internet. So when I had opportunity to interview Pat, I couldn't believe my luck.


In the podcast, Pat mentions a lot of links that will help you if you decide that you'd like to research the possibilities of earning online income:

Smart Passive Income
Think Traffic
Gary Vaynerchuk
Green Exam Academy
The Four Hour Work Week
Security Guard Training HQ
Social Triggers

Special favour. In the podcast, Pat asks you to swing by his Facebook page to say "Hi". Please do so. He's a good egg:

Pat on Facebook

Quick links

By the way, if you want a quick link to two of the books/authors mentioned in the podcast, here you go. Warning, if you buy from Amazon on the other side of the jump, I get a few pennies in commission. You don't pay anything extra, but I thought you should know that if you did buy, you'd be putting a little tin in my pocket.

The first is Gary Vayerchuk's Crush It!; the second is The 4-Hour Work Week by Tim Ferriss.